
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New vinyl in stock

Check below for some new stuff for you vinyl loving fan boys. For those desperately waiting (and harassing us) for the Ash Borer & Fell Voices vinyl, please have a bit more patience. They have been shipped to us, and we'll put them in our store as soon as they are in (hopefully somewhere next week).

Red Fang - Murder The Mountains - LPIndian - Guiltless - LPObscura - Omnivium - 2xLPWeedeater - Jason The Dragon - LPMenace Ruine - The Die Is Cast - LPMenace Ruine - Cult Of Ruins - LPRotten Sound - Cursed - LPDying Fetus - Purification Through Violence - LPTorche - Songs For Singles - LPCallisto - Providence - LPRabbits - Lower Forms - LPHate Forest - The Curse - LPHate Forest - Temple Forest - LPHate Forest - The Gates - LPDying Fetus - Grotesque Impalement - LPSalome - Terminal - 2xLPLocrian / Century Plants - Dissolvers - LPCode - Resplendent Grotesque - LPLudicra - Self Titled - LPAgoraphobic Nosebleed / ANS - Split - 5"Cough / Wounded Kings - Split - LPEnvy - Recitation - LPYakuza - Of Seismic Consequence - 2xLPTwilight - Monument To Time End - 2xLPThou / The City Is The Tower - Dwell Is... - LPIntegrity - We Are The End - 7"Austrasian Goat, THE / Habsyll - Split - 7"Integrity - Those Who Fear Tomorrow - LPDrudkh - The Swan Road - LPStarve - Wasteland - LPImmortal - Damned In Black - LPTotalSelfHatred - Self Titled - LPOndskapt  - Arisen From The Ashes - LPBlack Cobra - Chronomega - LP

Fell Voices - Self Titled (2011)
Menace Ruine - Union of Irreconcilables
Nicolas Jaar - Space is Only Noise
Liturgy - Aesthethica

Garden of Exile Records
...we grow your metal