
Thursday, May 5, 2011

New in stock: Deafheaven, Ash Borer & Fell Voices vinyl

Looking for some quality US hipster black metal? Then these brilliant releases from Deafheaven, Ash Borer and Fell Voices are yours! Are you more of a beardy smelly type of guy? Then the new Agoraphobic / Despise You, Trap Them, Ghostlimb and Victims vinyl should satisfy your needs.

Deafheaven - Roads To Judah - LPAgoraphobic Nosebleed / Despise You  - And On And On - LPAsh Borer / Fell Voices - Split - LPFell Voices - Untitled - LPVictims - A Dissident - LPTrap Them - Darker Handcraft - LPIrons / Pulling Teeth - Grey Savior - LPStarkweather / Overmars - Split - LPGhostlimb - Infastructure - LPNorthless - Clandestine Abuse - 2xLPTrap Them - Seance Prime: The Complete Recordings - LPSeven Sisters Of Sleep - Self Titled - LPKrallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough - 2xLP

Subrosa - No Help For The Mighty Ones
Krallice - Diotima
The Ash Eaters - Cold Hearts demo
Chelsea Wolfe - The Grime and the Glow
Altar of Plagues - Mammal

Garden of Exile Records
...we grow your metal