
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New in stock: Earache vinyl

Hereby a small update to show we are still alive. We have added some new Earache vinyl to our store for nice prices, so check it out.

Wormrot - Dirge - LPWoods Of Ypres - Woods 4: The Green Album - 2xLPBrutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand... - 2xLPBrutal Truth - Need To Control - 2xLPDecapitated - Winds Of Creation - LPDecapitated - Organic Hallucinosis - LP

Ash Borer - Self Titled
Pest Noire - L' Órdure a l'etat Pure
Horseback - The Gorogon Tonque...
Dragged Into The Sunlight - Hatred for Mankind
Bon Iver - Bon Iver

Garden of Exile Records
...we grow your metal